A Mending
You have been parted from a dear friend for a long time.
Now, they have called for you. You are going to visit your friend, and the path is long and it will take many days. As you plan and trace your route on a cloth map(or paper), using needle and thread(or pen), you will use and answer story prompt cards to discover the stories and primary incidents behind your friendship, find strange and wonderful objects and people on your path, and build your own narrative of this particular journey and friendship.
A Mending is a keepsake game, a term that I use to describe the kind of game I make - games that produce beautiful, memorable physical artifacts through the gameplay process. These keepsakes are a collaboration between me, as a designer, and the players, who all create their own unique objects. This honors my lifetime love of tinkering and making, and reduces waste by producing something worth keeping. Jeeyon Shim and I began using this term while making our keepsake game, Field Guide to Memory, to describe the work we do.
A MENDING was successfully funded on Kickstarter, raising $190,000 on pledges and 2790 backers.
A MENDING will be available for sale to the public after Kickstarter fulfillment has completed(ETA late June 2021).
Fulfillment for A Mending in progress.
A Mending maps can be worn as scarves - the process of playing the game produces a practical object.
A MENDING can also be played on paper.